import * as citty from 'citty'; import { ParsedArgs } from 'citty'; import { L as ListenOptions } from './shared/listhen.1c46e31d.cjs'; import 'node:http'; import 'node:https'; import 'node:net'; import 'get-port-please'; import 'crossws/adapters/node'; declare const main: citty.CommandDef<{ port: { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Port to listen on (use `PORT` environment variable to override)"; }; host: { readonly description: "Host to listen on. If no value or an empty string provided, will listen on all available interfaces (use `HOST` environment variable to override)"; }; clipboard: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Copy the URL to the clipboard"; }; open: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Open the URL in the browser"; }; https: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Enable HTTPS"; }; "https.cert": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Path to TLS certificate used with HTTPS in PEM format"; }; "https.key": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Path to TLS key used with HTTPS in PEM format"; }; "https.pfx": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Path to PKCS#12 (.p12/.pfx) keystore containing a TLS certificate and Key"; }; "https.passphrase": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Passphrase used for TLS key or keystore"; }; "https.validityDays": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Validity in days of the autogenerated TLS certificate (https: true)"; }; "": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Comma seperated list of domains and IPs, the autogenerated certificate should be valid for (https: true)"; }; publicURL: { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Displayed public URL (used for QR code)"; readonly required: false; }; qr: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Display The QR code of public URL when available"; readonly required: false; }; public: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Listen to all network interfaces"; readonly required: false; }; tunnel: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Open a tunnel using"; readonly required: false; }; cwd: { type: "string"; description: string; }; entry: { type: "positional"; description: string; required: true; }; name: { type: "string"; description: string; }; baseURL: { type: "string"; description: string; }; watch: { type: "boolean"; description: string; alias: string; }; ws: { type: "boolean"; description: string; }; }>; declare const runMain: () => Promise; /** Returns unjs/citty compatible args object */ declare function getArgs(): { readonly port: { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Port to listen on (use `PORT` environment variable to override)"; }; readonly host: { readonly description: "Host to listen on. If no value or an empty string provided, will listen on all available interfaces (use `HOST` environment variable to override)"; }; readonly clipboard: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Copy the URL to the clipboard"; }; readonly open: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Open the URL in the browser"; }; readonly https: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Enable HTTPS"; }; readonly "https.cert": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Path to TLS certificate used with HTTPS in PEM format"; }; readonly "https.key": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Path to TLS key used with HTTPS in PEM format"; }; readonly "https.pfx": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Path to PKCS#12 (.p12/.pfx) keystore containing a TLS certificate and Key"; }; readonly "https.passphrase": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Passphrase used for TLS key or keystore"; }; readonly "https.validityDays": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Validity in days of the autogenerated TLS certificate (https: true)"; }; readonly "": { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Comma seperated list of domains and IPs, the autogenerated certificate should be valid for (https: true)"; }; readonly publicURL: { readonly type: "string"; readonly description: "Displayed public URL (used for QR code)"; readonly required: false; }; readonly qr: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Display The QR code of public URL when available"; readonly required: false; }; readonly public: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Listen to all network interfaces"; readonly required: false; }; readonly tunnel: { readonly type: "boolean"; readonly description: "Open a tunnel using"; readonly required: false; }; }; type ParsedListhenArgs = ParsedArgs>; /** Convert unjs/citty compatible args to listhen options */ declare function parseArgs(args: ParsedListhenArgs): Partial; export { getArgs, main, parseArgs, runMain };