import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'node:http'; interface ServePlaceholderOptions { /** * Sets `statusCode` for all handled responses. Set to `false` to disable overriding statusCode. * * @default 404 */ statusCode?: number; /** * Skip middleware when no handler is defined for the current request. * Please note that if this option is set to `true`, then `default` handler will be disabled * @default false */ skipUnknown?: boolean; /** * Set headers to prevent accidentally caching 404 resources. * * @default true */ cacheHeaders?: boolean; /** * Sets an `X-Placeholder` header with value of handler name. * * @default true */ placeholderHeader?: boolean; /** * A mapping from file extensions to the handler. Extensions should start with *dot* like `.js`. * You can disable any of the handlers by setting the value to `null` * If the value of a handler is set to `false`, the middleware will be ignored for that extension. */ handlers?: Record; /** * A mapping from handler to placeholder. Values can be `String` or `Buffer`. You can disable any of the placeholders by setting the value to `false`. */ placeholders?: Record; /** * A mapping from handler to the mime type. Mime type will be set as `Content-Type` header. You can disable sending any of the mimes by setting the value to `false`. */ mimes?: Record; } type ServerMiddleware = (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next: () => void) => void; declare function servePlaceholder(_options?: ServePlaceholderOptions): ServerMiddleware; export { type ServerMiddleware, servePlaceholder };