# import-modules > Import all modules in a directory *This package is intentionally simple. Not interested in more features.* ## Install ``` $ npm install import-modules ``` ## Usage ``` . └── directory ├── foo-bar.js └── baz-faz.js ``` ```js const importModules = require('import-modules'); const modules = importModules('directory'); console.log(modules); //=> {fooBar: [Function], bazFaz: [Function]} ``` ## API ### importModules(directory?, options?) #### directory Type: `string`\ Default: `__dirname` Directory to import modules from. Unless you've set the `fileExtensions` option, that means any `.js`, `.json`, `.node` files, in that order. Does not recurse. Ignores the caller file and files starting with `.` or `_`. #### options Type: `object` ##### camelize Type: `boolean`\ Default: `true` Convert dash-style names (`foo-bar`) and snake-style names (`foo_bar`) to camel-case (`fooBar`). ##### fileExtensions Type: `string[]`\ Default: `['.js', '.json', '.node']` File extensions to look for. Order matters. ## Related - [import-from](https://github.com/sindresorhus/import-from) - Import a module from a given path - [import-cwd](https://github.com/sindresorhus/import-cwd) - Import a module from the current working directory - [import-lazy](https://github.com/sindresorhus/import-lazy) - Import a module lazily