// ** MUI Imports import Grid from '@mui/material/Grid' import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography' // ** Custom Components Imports import CardSnippet from 'src/@core/components/card-snippet' // ** Demo Components Imports import DialogForm from 'src/views/components/dialogs/DialogForm' import DialogAlert from 'src/views/components/dialogs/DialogAlert' import DialogSizes from 'src/views/components/dialogs/DialogSizes' import DialogSimple from 'src/views/components/dialogs/DialogSimple' import DialogsScroll from 'src/views/components/dialogs/DialogsScroll' import DialogTransition from 'src/views/components/dialogs/DialogTransition' import DialogCustomized from 'src/views/components/dialogs/DialogCustomized' import DialogFullScreen from 'src/views/components/dialogs/DialogFullScreen' import DialogConfirmation from 'src/views/components/dialogs/DialogConfirmation' import DialogRespoFullScreen from 'src/views/components/dialogs/DialogRespoFullScreen' // ** Source code imports import * as source from 'src/views/components/dialogs/DialogSourceCode' const Dialog = () => { return ( Manage open prop with the help of a state. Show an alert to the user to convey something or make the user choose from the given options. {/* */} You can also use any of the transitions that you like. Use TransitionComponent prop for the transition. Form dialogs allow users to fill out form fields within a dialog. You can customize the component the way you want using styled hook. Add fullScreen prop with Dialog component for a full screen dialog. You can set a dialog maximum width by using the maxWidth enumerable in combination with the{' '} fullWidth boolean. When the fullWidth property is true, the dialog will adapt based on the maxWidth value. Make a full screen dialog at particular screen sizes only by using useMediaQuery hook. Use disableEscapeKeyDown prop to disable 'Escape' key and use onClose prop to disable the backdrop. scroll=paper scrolls within the paper element and scroll=body scrolls within the body element. ) } export default Dialog