// ** MUI Imports import Grid from '@mui/material/Grid' import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography' // ** Custom Components Imports import CardSnippet from 'src/@core/components/card-snippet' // ** Demo Components Imports import MenuBasic from 'src/views/components/menu/MenuBasic' import MenuContext from 'src/views/components/menu/MenuContext' import MenuSelected from 'src/views/components/menu/MenuSelected' import MenuMaxHeight from 'src/views/components/menu/MenuMaxHeight' import MenuCustomized from 'src/views/components/menu/MenuCustomized' import MenuTransition from 'src/views/components/menu/MenuTransition' import MenuComposition from 'src/views/components/menu/MenuComposition' // ** Source code imports import * as source from 'src/views/components/menu/MenuSourceCode' const Menus = () => { return ( Manage anchorEl and open props with the help of a state and onClose{' '} prop with the help of a function in Menu component. Manage selected prop with the help of a state in MenuItem component to select an item. Use a different positioning strategy and not blocking the page scroll by using MenuList and{' '} Popper components. Use styled hook to customize your menu. Use PaperProps prop and use style property to set the height of the menu. Use TransitionComponent prop to change the transition of the menu. Use onContextMenu prop in the parent element to manage the context menu. ) } export default Menus