// ** MUI Imports import Grid from '@mui/material/Grid' // ** Custom Components Imports import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography' import CardSnippet from 'src/@core/components/card-snippet' // ** Demo Components Imports import ProgressLinearBuffer from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressLinearBuffer' import ProgressLinearColors from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressLinearColors' import ProgressCircularColors from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressCircularColors' import ProgressLinearWithLabel from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressLinearWithLabel' import ProgressCustomization from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressCircularCustomization' import ProgressCircularWithLabel from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressCircularWithLabel' import ProgressLinearCustomization from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressLinearCustomization' import ProgressLinearIndeterminate from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressLinearIndeterminate' import ProgressCircularIndeterminate from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressCircularIndeterminate' import ProgressLinearControlledUncontrolled from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressLinearControlledUncontrolled' import ProgressCircularControlledUncontrolled from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressCircularControlledUncontrolled' // ** Source code imports import * as source from 'src/views/components/progress/ProgressSourceCode' const Progress = () => { return ( Circular Use CircularProgress component for simple circular progress. Use color prop for different colored circular progress. Use variant='determinate' and value props with the help of a state for circular progress with label. Use styled hook to customize your circular progress. Manage value prop with the help of a state for controlled circular progress. Linear Use LinearProgress component for simple linear progress. Use variant='buffer' and valueBuffer props with the help of a state for linear progress with buffer. Use color prop for different colored linear progress. Manage value prop with the help of a state for controlled linear progress. Use variant='determinate' and value props with the help of a state for linear progress with label. Use styled hook to customize your Linear progress. ) } export default Progress