// ** React Imports import { SyntheticEvent, useState } from 'react' // ** Next Import import Link from 'next/link' // ** MUI Imports import Tab from '@mui/material/Tab' import Box from '@mui/material/Box' import Grid from '@mui/material/Grid' import Alert from '@mui/material/Alert' import TabPanel from '@mui/lab/TabPanel' import Switch from '@mui/material/Switch' import Button from '@mui/material/Button' import Divider from '@mui/material/Divider' import TabContext from '@mui/lab/TabContext' import Tooltip from '@mui/material/Tooltip' import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles' import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField' import AlertTitle from '@mui/material/AlertTitle' import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography' import CardContent from '@mui/material/CardContent' import InputAdornment from '@mui/material/InputAdornment' import MuiTabList, { TabListProps } from '@mui/lab/TabList' import FormControlLabel from '@mui/material/FormControlLabel' // ** Custom Components Imports import CustomChip from 'src/@core/components/mui/chip' // ** Icon Imports import Icon from 'src/@core/components/icon' const TabList = styled(MuiTabList)(({ theme }) => ({ '& .MuiTabs-indicator': { display: 'none' }, '& .Mui-selected': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main, color: `${theme.palette.common.white} !important` }, '& .MuiTab-root': { minWidth: 81, minHeight: 38, borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius } })) const StepPayment = ({ handleNext }: { handleNext: () => void }) => { // ** State const [value, setValue] = useState('cc') const handleChange = (event: SyntheticEvent, newValue: string) => { setValue(newValue) } return ( } sx={{ mb: 6 }}> Available Offers
- 10% Instant Discount on Bank of America Corp Bank Debit and Credit cards - 25% Cashback Voucher of up to $60 on first ever PayPal transaction. TCA
) }} /> } label='Save Card for future billing?' /> Cash on Delivery is a type of payment method where the recipient make payment for the order at the time of delivery rather than in advance. Enter Gift Card Details
`1px solid ${theme.palette.divider}` }}> Price Details Order Total $1198.00 Delivery Charges $5.00 Total $1198.00 Deliver to: John Doe (Default), 4135 Parkway Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90017. Mobile : +1 906 568 2332 e.preventDefault()} sx={{ fontWeight: 600, color: 'primary.main', textDecoration: 'none' }} > Change address
) } export default StepPayment