Changelog ========= All changes in the package are documented in the main repository. See: Changes for the past releases are available below. ## [19.0.0]( (April 29, 2020) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [18.0.0]( (March 19, 2020) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [17.0.0]( (February 19, 2020) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [16.0.0]( (December 4, 2019) ### Features * The main editor toolbar should respect the `config.toolbar.shouldNotGroupWhenFull` configuration (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5692]( ([9a57e63]( ## [15.0.0]( (October 23, 2019) ### Features * Enabled automatic items grouping in the main editor toolbar when there is not enough space to display them in a single row (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#416]( ([4d20b70]( ## [12.1.4]( (August 26, 2019) ### Other changes * The issue tracker for this package was moved to See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1988]( ([84ec68f]( ## [12.1.3]( (July 10, 2019) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [12.1.2]( (July 4, 2019) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [12.1.1]( (June 6, 2019) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [12.1.0]( (April 4, 2019) ### Features * Introduced `EditorConfig#initialData`. ([fce3edc]( ## [12.0.0]( (February 28, 2019) ### Features * Added support for the `config.placeholder` option which allows configuring the empty editor content placeholder (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#479]( ([3450c23]( ### Bug fixes * Fixed memory leaks during editor initialization and destruction (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1341]( ([a3c5c82]( ### Other changes * Adjustments to new editor initialization events. See breaking changes. ([61ccab0]( * Editor UI classes API refactoring. See breaking changes. ([74e27ae]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * Upgraded minimal versions of Node to `8.0.0` and npm to `5.7.1`. See: [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1507]( ([612ea3c]( * The `editor#dataReady` event was removed. The `` event has been introduced and should be used instead. * The `editor#pluginsReady` event was removed. Use plugin `afterInit()` method instead. * Removed `ClassicEditor#element` property. The `ClassicEditorUI#element` property should be used instead. * Removed `ClassicEditorUIView#editableElement`. Instead `ClassicEditorUI#getEditableElement()` method should be used. ## [11.0.2]( (December 5, 2018) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [11.0.1]( (October 8, 2018) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [11.0.0]( (July 18, 2018) ### Features * Editor can now be created with initial data passed to the `create()` method. Closes [#72]( ([09cebc6]( ### Other changes * Used the `EditorUI` as a parent class for the `ClassicEditorUI` (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5-core#130]( ([ae98cfd]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The `ClassicEditor#element` property was renamed to `ClassicEditor#sourceElement` and `ClassicEditor#updateElement()` method to `ClassicEditor#updateSourceElement()`. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5-core#64]( ## [10.0.1]( (June 21, 2018) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [10.0.0]( (April 25, 2018) ### Other changes * Changed the license to GPL2+ only. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#991]( ([95fe4c1]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The license under which CKEditor 5 is released has been changed from a triple GPL, LGPL and MPL license to a GPL2+ only. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#991]( for more information. ## [1.0.0-beta.4]( (April 19, 2018) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [1.0.0-beta.2]( (April 10, 2018) ### Other changes * Increased the specificity of CSS rules. Introduced the `.ck` class for editor UI components (see: [ckeditor/ckeditor5#494]( ([e548bd0]( ## [1.0.0-beta.1]( (March 15, 2018) ### Other changes * Migrated the editor styles to PostCSS. Moved visual styles to `@ckeditor/ckeditor5-theme-lark` (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui#144]( ([f24f97d]( * Removed the `.ck-editor-toolbar` class from the toolbar (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5-theme-lark#135]( ([6b4670c]( ## [1.0.0-alpha.2]( (November 14, 2017) ### Other changes * Aligned UI library usage to the [changes in the UI framework]( ## [1.0.0-alpha.1]( (October 3, 2017) ### Features * The `StickyToolbarView` has been replaced by the `StickyPanelView` with a child `ToolbarView` (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui#297]( ([e4f591f]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The former attributes controlling the position of the toolbar provided by the `StickyToolbarView` are now available under `ClassicEditorUIView#stickyPanel` (`editor.ui.view.stickyPanel`). ## [0.8.0]( (September 3, 2017) ### Bug fixes * The toolbar should never hide underneath the edited content. Closes [#62]( Closes ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload[#33]( ([511d28f]( ### Features * The toolbar should support a vertical offset from the top of the web page. Closes [#60]( ([6739afc]( ### Other changes * Renamed the `classic.js` file to `classiceditor.js` to match the naming convention. Closes [#41]( ([c5714ba]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The `classic.js` file containing `ClassicEditor` class has been renamed to `classiceditor.js`. ## [0.7.3]( (May 7, 2017) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [0.7.2]( (April 5, 2017) ### Bug fixes * It should be possible to use `ClassicEditor.create()` in its child classes. Closes [#53]( ([95798ba]( ### Other changes * Code refactoring to share API with `ckeditor5-editor-inline`. Closes [#48]( ([2bb1e4e]( ## [0.7.1]( (March 6, 2017) ### Other changes * Used `ToolbarView#etItemsFromConfig()` to bootstrap the toolbar in `ClassicEditorUI`. Closes [#51]( ([53d58d9](