All changes in the package are documented in the main repository. See:
Changes for the past releases are available below.
## [19.0.0]( (April 29, 2020)
### Other changes
* Replaced `LabeledInputView` with `LabeledFieldView`. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6110]( ([3416fb2](
* Updated translations. ([88300ff](
## [18.0.0]( (March 19, 2020)
### Bug fixes
* The image converters should not assume that is a first child of a . Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6294]( ([97450b7](
### Other changes
* Updated translations. ([79db6f5](
## [17.0.0]( (February 19, 2020)
* Resizer options object now also takes the editor instance.
* Removed the `downcastWriter` property from the [`ResizerOptions` interface](
### Bug fixes
* Fixed image resize behavior upon short clicking a handle without dragging. Image will no longer became full width, nor will it briefly flash an unexpected size. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5189]( and closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5195]( ([9148013](
* Focus the editor before executing toolbar buttons' command. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#353]( ([5a700a2](
### Other changes
* Updated translations. ([b81e08c](
## [16.0.0]( (December 4, 2019)
### Bug fixes
* Improved markup operation performance of the editor with the image plugin enabled. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#4504]( ([6c7fc94](
### Other changes
* Updated translations. ([01cdb59](
## [15.0.0]( (October 23, 2019)
* Removed `isImageType()` util.
### Features
* Introduced `config.image.upload.types` configuration option for setting allowed image mime-types. Closes [#295]( Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#674]( ([8c36aee](
### Bug fixes
* Initial resize of a side image with no width predefined now gives correct percentage values. Closes [#306]( ([b084de5](
### Other changes
* Added `pluginName` property to editing plugins. ([71adead](
* Improved the resizer performance. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5191]( ([c46072b](
* Make the `Clipboard` plugin a required dependency of `ImageUploadEditing`. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5-core#193]( ([311c48c](
* Updated translations. ([27effa2]( ([93aa0bb](
## [14.0.0]( (August 26, 2019)
### Features
* Introduced widget resizer. Closes [#241]( ([ddcb1b3](
### Bug fixes
* Image upload should handle images that are deeply nested in other blocks. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1985]( ([5a729d3](
* Image widgets should not span the entire width of the editor. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1870]( ([b82ea85](
* Improved stability of `ImageTextAlternative` balloon used in rotator. ([2e979cd](
* The UI buttons should be marked as toggleable for better assistive technologies support (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1403]( ([6c74d59](
* Worked around Safari's image size bug. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1975]( ([8e14b03](
### Other changes
* The issue tracker for this package was moved to See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1988]( ([a5451d6](
* Removed the obsolete `--ck-color-upload-infinite-background` CSS custom property. See ([65c07cd](
* The image widget toolbar should have a proper `aria-label` attribute (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1404]( ([13af143](
* Updated translations. ([f2a760d](
* From now on, all images in the editor use CSS `display: table` by default (`.ck-content .image { display: table }`). It can affect integrations and we recommend checking if images render correctly in your project after this update. There is a possibility you might need to adjust the CSS to adapt to this change.
## [13.1.2]( (July 10, 2019)
Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.).
## [13.1.1]( (July 4, 2019)
Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.).
## [13.1.0]( (June 6, 2019)
### Bug fixes
* Fixed the scope of the "click outside handler" in `ImageTextAlternative`. Closes [#292]( ([78e619e](
### Other changes
* Changed `ImageStyleCommand#defaultStyle` from private to public readonly property. Closes [#289]( ([fb35177](
* Updated translations. ([01125b7](
## [13.0.1]( (April 4, 2019)
### Other changes
* Updated translations. ([e674e9c](
## [13.0.0]( (February 28, 2019)
### Features
* Enable images in table cells. ([3a4d2ca](
### Bug fixes
* Insert missing caption for images that are nested in other elements. Closes ([0e3a7c5](
* The text alternative input should be blurred before the form is removed from the DOM. Closes ckeditor/ckeditor5/issues#1501. ([f89fe04](
* Fixed memory leaks during editor initialization and destruction (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1341]( ([205f119](
### Other changes
* Aligned to the new `WidgetToolbarRepository` API. Replaced the `isImageWidgetSelected()` utility with `getSelectedImageWidget()` (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5-widget#60]( ([699d586](
* Remove `ImageEditing` plugin from requires method of `ImageStyleEditing`. Closes [#261]( ([5dea054](
* The image uploading listener for handling `base64/blob` images no longer stops `inputTransformation` event. Closes [#263]( Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office#44]( ([8c5b4fc](
* Updated translations. ([1f4e70d]( ([6c9e15c]( ([a1b03b9](
* Upgraded minimal versions of Node to `8.0.0` and npm to `5.7.1`. See: [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1507]( ([612ea3c](
* The `isImageWidgetSelected()` utility has been replaced by `getSelectedImageWidget()` and returns an editing `View` element instead of `Boolean`.
## [12.0.0]( (December 5, 2018)
### Features
* Improved responsiveness of the text alternative view in narrow viewports (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#416]( ([ff5394a](
* Introduced the `'imageInsert'` command. Closes [#245]( Closes [#251]( ([cc1e7a3](
* Support for uploading images pasted with a base64 source. Closes [#246]( Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office#24]( ([89ab27e](
### Bug fixes
* Prevent errors when (for unclear reasons) the native `DataTransfer#files` contains `null` values when drag&dropping files into the editor in Chrome. ([2a45481](
Thanks to [@code-chris](!
### Other changes
* Moved widget spacing styles from `@ckeditor/ckeditor5-theme-lark` to the feature content styles sheet (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5-theme-lark#209]( ([671e1b8](
* Removed obsolete fill attributes in SVG icons. ([0f9dad3]( ([57bd34c]( ([ebc27e6]( ([6192cf3](
* Updated translations. ([3c85c37](
* The `ImageUploadCommand#execute()`'s `files` parameter was renamed to `file`. It can still accept an array of files.
## [11.0.0]( (October 8, 2018)
### Other changes
* Aligned `ImageToolbar` to use the new widget toolbar repository. ([980681d](
* Image feature should insert image the same way as other widget features do. ([26638f5](
* The `ImageUploadCommand` should check whether it can be executed in the context of the current document selection. Closes [#225]( Closes [#227]( Closes [#235]( ([4c1f27f](
* Updated translations. ([59f3604](
* The `options.file` property was renamed to `options.files` in `ImageUploadCommand#execute()`.
* The `options.insertAt` property of `ImageUploadCommand#execute()` was removed. The command will now use model's selection.
* Removed `findOptimalInsertionPosition()` from utils. This method can now be found in the `@ckeditor/ckeditor5-widget/src/utils` module.
## [10.2.0]( (July 18, 2018)
### Features
* Implemented a CSS–styled image upload loader. Closes [#207]( ([997d39b](
* Introduced `ImageLoadObserver`. Closes [#213]( ([1128cb8](
### Bug fixes
* Complete upload icon should not be rendered in Edge due to an [Edge's bug]( Closes ([9a62cf1](
* The UI should update once the image is loaded. Closes [#142]( ([dee20c0](
Used the `EditorUI#update` event instead of `View#render` to attach the UI components (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5-core#130](
### Other changes
* Updated translations. ([e6f77fe](
## [10.1.0]( (June 21, 2018)
### Features
* Added "upload completed" icon. Closes [#204]( ([004eda7](
### Bug fixes
* Made image upload by drag&drop work when the `ImageUploadCommand` is disabled. Closes [#208]( ([6908ec6](
### Other changes
* Updated translations. ([bfc9456](
## [10.0.0]( (April 25, 2018)
### Other changes
* Changed the license to GPL2+ only. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#991]( ([7b11bc5](
* The license under which CKEditor 5 is released has been changed from a triple GPL, LGPL and MPL license to a GPL2+ only. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#991]( for more information.
## [1.0.0-beta.4]( (April 19, 2018)
### Other changes
* Updated translations. ([de6b58e](
## [1.0.0-beta.2]( (April 10, 2018)
### Bug fixes
* Fixed image upload progress updates. Now each upload status is treated separately. Closes [#191]( ([66d67c0](
* Image element will be cleared from upload progress classes if `uploadId` attribute changed to `null`. Closes [#200]( ([5fadcf0](
* `ImageUploadEditing` should not throw unhandled async errors. Closes [#186]( ([4357336](
### Other changes
* Made the image text alternative form buttons thicker with a fill color and no background. Closes [#187]( ([25c17ad](
## [1.0.0-beta.1]( (March 15, 2018)
### Features
* Intorduced the `ImageUpload` feature. It was moved from the `@ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload` package. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload#22]( ([b974bb0](
* Simplified the text alternative UI, aligning the image package to the redesigned Lark theme (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#645]( ([9a069b0](
### Other changes
* Aligned feature class naming to the new scheme. ([8690765](
* Migrated package styles to PostCSS. Moved visual styles to `@ckeditor/ckeditor5-theme-lark` (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui#144]( ([ed6e1cf](
* Removed the `.ck-editor-toolbar` and `.ck-editor-toolbar-container` classes from the UI (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5-theme-lark#135]( ([1c08fdd](
* Renamed `uploadImage` command and button to `imageUpload`. Closes [#184]( ([6f891b8](
* Updated naming of UI components & commands. ([2e7fbee](
* Updated translations. ([02f9cf5](
* `uploadImage` command and button are now called `imageUpload`.
* Renamed the `'imageUpload'` command to `'uploadImage'`.
* The `'imageStyleFull'`, `'imageStyleSide'`, `'imageStyleAlignLeft'`, `'imageStyleAlignRight'` and `'imageStyleAlignCenter'` commands are no longer available. They were replaced by the `'imageStyle'` command that accepts name of an image style as a value.
* The `'imageStyleFull'`, `'imageStyleSide'`, `'imageStyleAlignLeft'`, `'imageStyleAlignRight'` and `'imageStyleAlignCenter'` UI components are no longer available. Replaced by `'imageStyle:full'`, `'imageStyle:side'`, `'imageStyle:alignLeft'`, `'imageStyle:alignRight'` and `'imageStyle:alignCenter'`.
* The `ImageStyleCommand#value` property is no longer a boolean only. Now it represents a name of an image style of the currently selected image element.
* The `ImageStyleCommand` constructor's second parameter is now an array of supported image styles.
* The DOM structure of the text alternative form has changed.
## 0.0.1 (2017-11-06)
Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.).
## [1.0.0-alpha.2]( (November 14, 2017)
### Bug fixes
* Default style's command will properly remove model element's attribute. Closes [#147]( ([c96fb19](
### Other changes
* Updated translations. ([eb4ba5b](
* Aligned UI library usage to the [changes in the UI framework](
## [1.0.0-alpha.1]( (October 3, 2017)
### Bug fixes
* Fixed a bug causing the editor with `ImageCaption` plugin enabled to throw an error after the view got rendered. Closes [#127]( ([6147fee](
* The `ImageTextAlternative`'s UI should be hidden when the edited image element has been removed by an external change. Closes [#137]( ([6ab8c40](
### Features
* Allowed customization of the default image styles. Defined formatting–oriented styles. Simplified `config.image.styles` syntax. Closes [#134]( Closes [#135]( ([eab98ef](
* Keyboard navigation will now work in the `TextAlternativeFormView`. Closes [#40]( Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#490]( ([fa92de6](
* The `srcset` attribute in the model will now be converted to three attributes in the view: `srcset`, `sizes` and `width`. Closes [#145]( Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5-easy-image#4]( ([9ca651e](
* The format of the `srcset` attribute has been changed.
* From now on, the `imageStyleFull` uses `object-full-width.svg` icon.
## [0.7.0]( (September 3, 2017)
### Bug fixes
* `ImageStyleCommand` should switch properly between any two non-null styles. Closes [#132]( ([d6c847d](
* Text alternative input should synchronize its value when the balloon shows up. Closes [#114]( ([9b105ed](
* The arrow of the toolbar's balloon should inherit the background color. Closes [#109]( ([4322b04](
* The image toolbar should not be doubled when the `ContextualToolbar` plugin is in use. Closes [#110]( ([5ace9a0](
### Features
* Introduced support for responsive image's `srcset` attribute. Closes [#2]( ([5b433d2](
### Other changes
* Aligned the implementation to the new Command API (see ([2c0044c](
* The command API has been changed.
## [0.6.0]( (May 7, 2017)
### Bug fixes
* Bare `` (not wrapped with ``) can now be pasted into the editor. Closes [#8]( ([fb6ab1a](
* Fixed toolbar positioning in MS Edge. Closes [#101]( ([19941e9](
* The `caption` item should inherit from `$block` to automatically allow the same content. Closes [#94]( ([02869eb](
### Features
* Introduced support for pasting and loading images in context in which they cannot appear in the editor. For example, if `
` is pasted, the pasted paragraph will be split (because an image in the editor cannot be contained in a paragraph). Closes [#98]( ([e2104b1](
### Other changes
* Removed automatically filled `config.image.defaultToolbar`. Now, when initializing the editor one must always define `config.image.toolbar`. Closes [#60]( ([4db7b34](
* Updated translations. ([22b5dbc](
* The `config.image.defaultToolbar` is no longer available. All editor instances must have `config.image.toolbar` configured instead.
## [0.5.0]( (April 5, 2017)
### Bug fixes
* Caption will not be automatically added for the second time if it was already added before "caption fixer" was fired. Closes [#78]( ([e651b01](
* Image captions in the view are hidden instead of being removed (from the view and the DOM). Closes [#77]( ([aae2957](
* The editor no longer crashes when undoing or redoing changes reshow temporarily invisible image caption. Closes [#58]( ([8e36645](
* The image should not go (visually) beyond the boundaries of the parent container. Closes [#67]( ([d1ee92d](
### Features
* Added "Enter caption here" placeholders to empty image captions. Closes [#71]( ([3818544](
* Introduced `toWidgetEditable()`. Closes [#57]( ([ecbe435](
The styling and behavior of image's caption will now be reusable in other widgets.
* Named existing plugin(s). ([de96d07](
### Other changes
* Aligned the use of the `Widget` plugin. Closes [#89]( ([16f285d](
* Extracted widget API to a separate package. Closes [#35]( ([016b68e](
* Fixed import paths after [refactoring in ckeditor5-ui]( Closes [#52]( ([cc8f671](
* Imported captioned image styles from Closes [#68]( ([2f993bc](
* Improved visual styles of the image widget. Closes [#12]( ([8fa3746](
* Updated translations. ([966d911](
* The widget API is now available in the `ckeditor5-widget` package. See [#35](
## [0.4.0]( (March 6, 2017)
### Bug fixes
* Moved focus tracking setup to `ImageBalloonPanelView#init()` method to prevent too early access to the view element. Closes [#42]( ([985e509](
* Used "low-vision" icon instead of "input" for text alternative button. Closes [#59]( ([6edd823](
### Features
* Added a separator between image styles and text alternative buttons in the image toolbar. Closes [#64]( ([925a538](
* Introduced image captions support. Closes [#28]( ([6bb4069](
### Other changes
* Enhanced how selection label for widgets is defined. Closes [#9]( ([5c1897d](
* Renamed "Image alternate text" to "Image text alternative" all across the code. Improved directory structure to have most important features in the top level of `src/`. Closes [#37]( ([e38675f](
* Uploaded translations. ([d619f1d](
* The `src/imagealternatetext/imagealternatetext` module is now `src/imagetextalternative`. All other related classes and directories were renamed too.
* All the base image's util modules are now inside `src/image/`. The same applies to all other features. The main features are now directly in `src/`. Closes [#33]( Closes [#26](