# Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. # # !!! IMPORTANT !!! # # Before you edit this file, please keep in mind that contributing to the project # translations is possible ONLY via the Transifex online service. # # To submit your translations, visit https://www.transifex.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5. # # To learn more, check out the official contributor's guide: # https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/framework/guides/contributing/contributing.html # msgid "" msgstr "" "Language-Team: Serbian (Latin) (https://app.transifex.com/ckeditor/teams/11143/sr@latin/)\n" "Language: sr@latin\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" msgctxt "Name of the special characters plugins, visible in a dropdown and as a button tooltip." msgid "Special characters" msgstr "Specijalni karakteri" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing all available symbols." msgid "All" msgstr "Svi" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing arrow symbols." msgid "Arrows" msgstr "Strelica" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing currency symbols." msgid "Currency" msgstr "Valute" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing latin symbols." msgid "Latin" msgstr "Latinični" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing mathematical symbols." msgid "Mathematical" msgstr "Matematički" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing text symbols." msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekst" msgctxt "A label for the \"leftwards simple arrow\" symbol." msgid "leftwards simple arrow" msgstr "jednostavna strelica nalevo" msgctxt "A label for the \"rightwards simple arrow\" symbol." msgid "rightwards simple arrow" msgstr "jednostavna strelica udesno" msgctxt "A label for the \"upwards simple arrow\" symbol." msgid "upwards simple arrow" msgstr "jednostavna strelica nagore" msgctxt "A label for the \"downwards simple arrow\" symbol." msgid "downwards simple arrow" msgstr "jednostavna strelica nadole" msgctxt "A label for the \"leftwards double arrow\" symbol." msgid "leftwards double arrow" msgstr "Dupla strlica levo" msgctxt "A label for the \"rightwards double arrow\" symbol." msgid "rightwards double arrow" msgstr "Dupla strelica desno" msgctxt "A label for the \"upwards double arrow\" symbol." msgid "upwards double arrow" msgstr "Dupla strelica prema gore" msgctxt "A label for the \"downwards double arrow\" symbol." msgid "downwards double arrow" msgstr "Dupla strelica prema dole" msgctxt "A label for the \"leftwards dashed arrow\" symbol." msgid "leftwards dashed arrow" msgstr "Prekidana strelica levo" msgctxt "A label for the \"rightwards dashed arrow\" symbol." msgid "rightwards dashed arrow" msgstr "Prekidana strelica desno" msgctxt "A label for the \"upwards dashed arrow\" symbol." msgid "upwards dashed arrow" msgstr "Prekidana strelica prema gore" msgctxt "A label for the \"downwards dashed arrow\" symbol." msgid "downwards dashed arrow" msgstr "Prekidana strelica prema dole" msgctxt "A label for the \"leftwards arrow to bar\" symbol." msgid "leftwards arrow to bar" msgstr "Strelica nalevo ka traci" msgctxt "A label for the \"rightwards arrow to bar\" symbol." msgid "rightwards arrow to bar" msgstr "Strelica nadesno ka traci" msgctxt "A label for the \"upwards arrow to bar\" symbol." msgid "upwards arrow to bar" msgstr "Strelica prema gore ka traci" msgctxt "A label for the \"downwards arrow to bar\" symbol." msgid "downwards arrow to bar" msgstr "Strelica prema dole ka traci" msgctxt "A label for the \"up down arrow with base\" symbol." msgid "up down arrow with base" msgstr "Strelica nadole sa bazom" msgctxt "A label for the \"back with leftwards arrow above\" symbol." msgid "back with leftwards arrow above" msgstr "Nazad sa strelicom levo" msgctxt "A label for the \"end with leftwards arrow above\" symbol." msgid "end with leftwards arrow above" msgstr "Završite strelicom levo" msgctxt "A label for the \"on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above\" symbol." msgid "on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above" msgstr "Uključeno sa uzvičnikom sa strelicom levo desno" msgctxt "A label for the \"soon with rightwards arrow above\" symbol." msgid "soon with rightwards arrow above" msgstr "Uskoro sa strelicom nadesno" msgctxt "A label for the \"top with upwards arrow above\" symbol." msgid "top with upwards arrow above" msgstr "Na vrhu sa strelicom prema gore" msgctxt "A label for the \"dollar sign\" symbol." msgid "Dollar sign" msgstr "Znak dolara" msgctxt "A label for the \"euro sign\" symbol." msgid "Euro sign" msgstr "Znak eura" msgctxt "A label for the \"yen sign\" symbol." msgid "Yen sign" msgstr "Znak jena" msgctxt "A label for the \"pound sign\" symbol." msgid "Pound sign" msgstr "Znak funti" msgctxt "A label for the \"cent sign\" symbol." msgid "Cent sign" msgstr "Znak centа" msgctxt "A label for the \"euro-currency sign\" symbol." msgid "Euro-currency sign" msgstr "Znak valute eura" msgctxt "A label for the \"colon sign\" symbol." msgid "Colon sign" msgstr "Dvotačka" msgctxt "A label for the \"cruzeiro sign\" symbol." msgid "Cruzeiro sign" msgstr "Znak cruzeiro" msgctxt "A label for the \"french franc sign\" symbol." msgid "French franc sign" msgstr "Znak francuskog franaka" msgctxt "A label for the \"lira sign\" symbol." msgid "Lira sign" msgstr "Znak lire" msgctxt "A label for the \"currency sign\" symbol." msgid "Currency sign" msgstr "Znak valute" msgctxt "A label for the \"bitcoin sign\" symbol." msgid "Bitcoin sign" msgstr "Znak bitcoina" msgctxt "A label for the \"mill sign\" symbol." msgid "Mill sign" msgstr "Znak mlina" msgctxt "A label for the \"naira sign\" symbol." msgid "Naira sign" msgstr "Znak naira" msgctxt "A label for the \"peseta sign\" symbol." msgid "Peseta sign" msgstr "Znak pezeta" msgctxt "A label for the \"rupee sign\" symbol." msgid "Rupee sign" msgstr "Znak rupia" msgctxt "A label for the \"won sign\" symbol." msgid "Won sign" msgstr "Znak von" msgctxt "A label for the \"new sheqel sign\" symbol." msgid "New sheqel sign" msgstr "Znak novi šekel" msgctxt "A label for the \"dong sign\" symbol." msgid "Dong sign" msgstr "Znak dong" msgctxt "A label for the \"kip sign\" symbol." msgid "Kip sign" msgstr "Znak kip" msgctxt "A label for the \"tugrik sign\" symbol." msgid "Tugrik sign" msgstr "Znak tugrik" msgctxt "A label for the \"drachma sign\" symbol." msgid "Drachma sign" msgstr "Znak drahma" msgctxt "A label for the \"german penny sign\" symbol." msgid "German penny sign" msgstr "Znak nemački peni" msgctxt "A label for the \"peso sign\" symbol." msgid "Peso sign" msgstr "Znak peso" msgctxt "A label for the \"guarani sign\" symbol." msgid "Guarani sign" msgstr "Znak guarani" msgctxt "A label for the \"austral sign\" symbol." msgid "Austral sign" msgstr "Australni znak" msgctxt "A label for the \"hryvnia sign\" symbol." msgid "Hryvnia sign" msgstr "Znak grivna" msgctxt "A label for the \"cedi sign\" symbol." msgid "Cedi sign" msgstr "Znak cedi" msgctxt "A label for the \"livre tournois sign\" symbol." msgid "Livre tournois sign" msgstr "Znak livre tournois" msgctxt "A label for the \"spesmilo sign\" symbol." msgid "Spesmilo sign" msgstr "Znak spesmilio" msgctxt "A label for the \"tenge sign\" symbol." msgid "Tenge sign" msgstr "Znak tenge" msgctxt "A label for the \"indian rupee sign\" symbol." msgid "Indian rupee sign" msgstr "Znak indijske rupije" msgctxt "A label for the \"turkish lira sign\" symbol." msgid "Turkish lira sign" msgstr "Znak turskih lira" msgctxt "A label for the \"nordic mark sign\" symbol." msgid "Nordic mark sign" msgstr "Nordijski znak" msgctxt "A label for the \"manat sign\" symbol." msgid "Manat sign" msgstr "Znak manat" msgctxt "A label for the \"ruble sign\" symbol." msgid "Ruble sign" msgstr "Znak ruble" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter a with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter a with macron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo a sa makronom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter a with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter a with macron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo a sa makronom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter a with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter a with breve" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo a sa brevom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter a with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter a with breve" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo a sa brevom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter a with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter a with ogonek" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo a sa ogonek" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter a with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter a with ogonek" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo a sa ogonek" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter c with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter c with acute" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo c sa akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter c with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter c with acute" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo c sa akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter c with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter c with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo c sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter c with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter c with circumflex" msgstr "Latino malo slovo c sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter c with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter c with dot above" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo c sa tačkom iznad" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter c with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter c with dot above" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo c sa tačkom iznad" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter c with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter c with caron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo c sa caronom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter c with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter c with caron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo c sa caronom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter d with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter d with caron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo d sa caronom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter d with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter d with caron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo d sa caronom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter d with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter d with stroke" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo d sa stroke" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter d with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter d with stroke" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo d sa stroke" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter e with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter e with macron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo e sa macron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter e with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter e with macron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo e sa macron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter e with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter e with breve" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo e sa breve" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter e with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter e with breve" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo e sa breve" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter e with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter e with dot above" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo e sa tačkom iznad" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter e with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter e with dot above" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo e sa tačkom iznad" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter e with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter e with ogonek" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo e sa ogonek" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter e with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter e with ogonek" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo e sa ogonek" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter e with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter e with caron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo e sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter e with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter e with caron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo e sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter g with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter g with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo g sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter g with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter g with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo g sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter g with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter g with breve" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo g sa breve" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter g with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter g with breve" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo g sa breve" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter g with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter g with dot above" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo g sa tačkom iznad" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter g with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter g with dot above" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo g sa tačkom iznad" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter g with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter g with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo g sa cedillom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter g with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter g with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo g sa cedillom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter h with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter h with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo h sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter h with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter h with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo h sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter h with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter h with stroke" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo h sa stroke" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter h with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter h with stroke" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo h sa stroke" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter i with tilde\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter i with tilde" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo i sa tildom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter i with tilde\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter i with tilde" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo i sa tildom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter i with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter i with macron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo i sa macron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter i with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter i with macron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo i sa macron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter i with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter i with breve" msgstr "Latinsko veloko slovo i sa breve" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter i with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter i with breve" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo i sa breve" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter i with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter i with ogonek" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo i sa ogonek" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter i with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter i with ogonek" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo i sa ogonek" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter i with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter i with dot above" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo i sa tackom iznad" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter dotless i\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter dotless i" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo i bez tačke" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital ligature ij\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital ligature ij" msgstr "Latinska velika ligatura ij" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small ligature ij\" symbol." msgid "Latin small ligature ij" msgstr "Latinska mala ligatura ij" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter j with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter j with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo j sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter j with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter j with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo j sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter k with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter k with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo k sa cedila" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter k with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter k with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo k sa cedila" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter kra\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter kra" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo kra" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter l with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter l with acute" msgstr "Latinsko veloko slovo l sa akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter l with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter l with acute" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo l sa akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter l with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter l with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo l sa cedila" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter l with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter l with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo l sa cedila" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter l with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter l with caron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo l sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter l with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter l with caron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo l sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter l with middle dot\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter l with middle dot" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo l sa srednjom tačkom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter l with middle dot\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter l with middle dot" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo l sa srednjom tačkom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter l with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter l with stroke" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo l sa stroke" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter l with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter l with stroke" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo l sa stroke" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter n with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter n with acute" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo n sa akutom " msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter n with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter n with acute" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo n sa akutom " msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter n with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter n with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo n sa cedilom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter n with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter n with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo n sa cedilom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter n with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter n with caron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo n sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter n with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter n with caron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo n sa caron " msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo n koje prethodi apostrof" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter eng\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter eng" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo eng" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter eng\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter eng" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo eng" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter o with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter o with macron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo o sa macron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter o with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter o with macron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo o sa macron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter o with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter o with breve" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo o sa breve" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter o with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter o with breve" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo o sa breve" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter o with double acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter o with double acute" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo o sa dvostrukom akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter o with double acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter o with double acute" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo o sa dvostrukom akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital ligature oe\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital ligature oe" msgstr "Latinska velika ligatura oe" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small ligature oe\" symbol." msgid "Latin small ligature oe" msgstr "Latinska mala ligatura oe" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter r with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter r with acute" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo r sa akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter r with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter r with acute" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo r sa akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter r with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter r with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo r sa cedila" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter r with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter r with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo r sa cedila" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter r with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter r with caron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo r sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter r with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter r with caron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo r sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter s with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter s with acute" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo s sa akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter s with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter s with acute" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo s sa akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter s with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter s with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo s sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter s with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter s with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo s sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter s with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter s with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo s sa cedila" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter s with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter s with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo s sa cedila" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter s with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter s with caron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo s sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter s with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter s with caron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo s sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter t with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter t with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo t sa cedila" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter t with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter t with cedilla" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo t sa cedila" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter t with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter t with caron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo t sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter t with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter t with caron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo t sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter t with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter t with stroke" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo t sa stroke" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter t with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter t with stroke" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo t sa stroke" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with tilde\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with tilde" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo u sa tildom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with tilde\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with tilde" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo u sa tildom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with macron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo u sa macron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with macron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo u sa macron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with breve" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo u sa breve" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with breve" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo u sa breve" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with ring above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with ring above" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo u s prstenom iznad" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with ring above\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with ring above" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo u s prstenom iznad" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with double acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with double acute" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo u s dvostrukom akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with double acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with double acute" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo u s dvostrukom akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with ogonek" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo u sa ogonek" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with ogonek" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo u sa ogonek" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter w with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter w with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo w sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter w with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter w with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo w sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter y with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter y with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo y sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter y with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter y with circumflex" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo y sa circumflex" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter y with diaeresis\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter y with diaeresis" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo y sa dijarezom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter z with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter z with acute" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo z sa akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter z with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter z with acute" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo z sa akutom" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter z with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter z with dot above" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo z sa tačkom iznad" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter z with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter z with dot above" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo z sa tačkom iznad" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter z with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter z with caron" msgstr "Latinsko veliko slovo z sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter z with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter z with caron" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo z sa caron" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter long s\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter long s" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo dugačko s" msgctxt "A label for the \"less-than sign\" symbol." msgid "Less-than sign" msgstr "Znak manje od" msgctxt "A label for the \"greater-than sign\" symbol." msgid "Greater-than sign" msgstr "Znak veće od" msgctxt "A label for the \"less-than or equal to\" symbol." msgid "Less-than or equal to" msgstr "Znak manje od ili jednako" msgctxt "A label for the \"greater-than or equal to\" symbol." msgid "Greater-than or equal to" msgstr "Znak veće od ili jednako" msgctxt "A label for the \"en dash\" symbol." msgid "En dash" msgstr "En crtica" msgctxt "A label for the \"em dash\" symbol." msgid "Em dash" msgstr "Em crtica" msgctxt "A label for the \"macron\" symbol." msgid "Macron" msgstr "Macron" msgctxt "A label for the \"overline\" symbol." msgid "Overline" msgstr "Overline" msgctxt "A label for the \"degree sign\" symbol." msgid "Degree sign" msgstr "Znak stepena" msgctxt "A label for the \"minus sign\" symbol." msgid "Minus sign" msgstr "Znak minus" msgctxt "A label for the \"plus-minus sign\" symbol." msgid "Plus-minus sign" msgstr "Znak plus-minus" msgctxt "A label for the \"division sign\" symbol." msgid "Division sign" msgstr "Znak divizije" msgctxt "A label for the \"fraction slash\" symbol." msgid "Fraction slash" msgstr "Crta frakcije" msgctxt "A label for the \"multiplication sign\" symbol." msgid "Multiplication sign" msgstr "Znak množenja" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter f with hook\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter f with hook" msgstr "Latinsko malo slovo f sa kukom" msgctxt "A label for the \"integral\" symbol." msgid "Integral" msgstr "Integral" msgctxt "A label for the \"n-ary summation\" symbol." msgid "N-ary summation" msgstr "N-ari zbir" msgctxt "A label for the \"infinity\" symbol." msgid "Infinity" msgstr "Beskonačnost" msgctxt "A label for the \"square root\" symbol." msgid "Square root" msgstr "Kvadratni koren" msgctxt "A label for the \"tilde operator\" symbol." msgid "Tilde operator" msgstr "Tilde operator" msgctxt "A label for the \"approximately equal to\" symbol." msgid "Approximately equal to" msgstr "Otprilike jednako" msgctxt "A label for the \"almost equal to\" symbol." msgid "Almost equal to" msgstr "Skoro jednako" msgctxt "A label for the \"not equal to\" symbol." msgid "Not equal to" msgstr "Nejednako sa" msgctxt "A label for the \"identical to\" symbol." msgid "Identical to" msgstr "Identičan" msgctxt "A label for the \"element of\" symbol." msgid "Element of" msgstr "Element od" msgctxt "A label for the \"not an element of\" symbol." msgid "Not an element of" msgstr "Nije element" msgctxt "A label for the \"contains as member\" symbol." msgid "Contains as member" msgstr "Sadrži kao član" msgctxt "A label for the \"n-ary product\" symbol." msgid "N-ary product" msgstr "N-ari proizvod" msgctxt "A label for the \"logical and\" symbol." msgid "Logical and" msgstr "Logički i" msgctxt "A label for the \"logical or\" symbol." msgid "Logical or" msgstr "Logički ili" msgctxt "A label for the \"not sign\" symbol." msgid "Not sign" msgstr "Nije znak" msgctxt "A label for the \"intersection\" symbol." msgid "Intersection" msgstr "Raskrsnica" msgctxt "A label for the \"union\" symbol." msgid "Union" msgstr "Unija" msgctxt "A label for the \"partial differential\" symbol." msgid "Partial differential" msgstr "Delimični diferencijal" msgctxt "A label for the \"for all\" symbol." msgid "For all" msgstr "Za sve" msgctxt "A label for the \"there exists\" symbol." msgid "There exists" msgstr "Postoji" msgctxt "A label for the \"empty set\" symbol." msgid "Empty set" msgstr "Prazan set" msgctxt "A label for the \"nabla\" symbol." msgid "Nabla" msgstr "Nabla" msgctxt "A label for the \"asterisk operator\" symbol." msgid "Asterisk operator" msgstr "Asterisk operator" msgctxt "A label for the \"proportional to\" symbol." msgid "Proportional to" msgstr "Srazmerno" msgctxt "A label for the \"angle\" symbol." msgid "Angle" msgstr "Ugao" msgctxt "A label for the \"vulgar fraction one quarter\" symbol." msgid "Vulgar fraction one quarter" msgstr "Vulgarna frakcija jedna četvrtina" msgctxt "A label for the \"vulgar fraction one half\" symbol." msgid "Vulgar fraction one half" msgstr "Vulgarna frakcija jedna polovina" msgctxt "A label for the \"vulgar fraction three quarters\" symbol." msgid "Vulgar fraction three quarters" msgstr "Vulgarna frakcija tri četvrtine" msgctxt "A label for the \"single left-pointing angle quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Single left-pointing angle quotation mark" msgstr "Pojedinačni navodnik ugla levog pokazivanja" msgctxt "A label for the \"single right-pointing angle quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Single right-pointing angle quotation mark" msgstr "Pojedinačni navodnik ugla desnog pokazivanja" msgctxt "A label for the \"left-pointing double angle quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark" msgstr "Levi dvostrani navodnik dvostrukog ugla" msgctxt "A label for the \"right-pointing double angle quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark" msgstr "Desni dvostrani navodnik dvostrukog ugla" msgctxt "A label for the \"left single quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Left single quotation mark" msgstr "Levi pojedinačni navodnik" msgctxt "A label for the \"right single quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Right single quotation mark" msgstr "Desni pojedinačni navodnik" msgctxt "A label for the \"left double quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Left double quotation mark" msgstr "Levi dvostruki navodnik" msgctxt "A label for the \"right double quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Right double quotation mark" msgstr "Desni dvostruki navodnik" msgctxt "A label for the \"single low-9 quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Single low-9 quotation mark" msgstr "Jedan niski-9 navodnik" msgctxt "A label for the \"double low-9 quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Double low-9 quotation mark" msgstr "Dvostruki niski-9 navodnik" msgctxt "A label for the \"inverted exclamation mark\" symbol." msgid "Inverted exclamation mark" msgstr "Obrnuti uzvičnik" msgctxt "A label for the \"inverted question mark\" symbol." msgid "Inverted question mark" msgstr "Obrnuti upitnik" msgctxt "A label for the \"two dot leader\" symbol." msgid "Two dot leader" msgstr "Vodja sa dve tačke" msgctxt "A label for the \"horizontal ellipsis\" symbol." msgid "Horizontal ellipsis" msgstr "Horizontalna elipsa" msgctxt "A label for the \"double dagger\" symbol." msgid "Double dagger" msgstr "Dvostruki bodež" msgctxt "A label for the \"per mille sign\" symbol." msgid "Per mille sign" msgstr "Znak per mile" msgctxt "A label for the \"per ten thousand sign\" symbol." msgid "Per ten thousand sign" msgstr "Znak za deset hiljada" msgctxt "A label for the \"double exclamation mark\" symbol." msgid "Double exclamation mark" msgstr "Dvosrtuki uzvičnik" msgctxt "A label for the \"question exclamation mark\" symbol." msgid "Question exclamation mark" msgstr "Znak upitnika uzvičnika" msgctxt "A label for the \"exclamation question mark\" symbol." msgid "Exclamation question mark" msgstr "Znak uzvičnika upitnika" msgctxt "A label for the \"double question mark\" symbol." msgid "Double question mark" msgstr "Dvostruki upitnik" msgctxt "A label for the \"copyright sign\" symbol." msgid "Copyright sign" msgstr "Simbol autorskog prava" msgctxt "A label for the \"registered sign\" symbol." msgid "Registered sign" msgstr "Registrovani znak" msgctxt "A label for the \"trade mark sign\" symbol." msgid "Trade mark sign" msgstr "Znak brenda" msgctxt "A label for the \"section sign\" symbol." msgid "Section sign" msgstr "Znak sekcija" msgctxt "A label for the \"paragraph sign\" symbol." msgid "Paragraph sign" msgstr "Znak paragraf" msgctxt "A label for the \"reversed paragraph sign\" symbol." msgid "Reversed paragraph sign" msgstr "Obrnuti znak paragrafa" msgctxt "A label for a tooltip showing when the user hovers over the plugin icon." msgid "Character categories" msgstr "Kategorija karaktera"