@import '../../styles/styles.sass' @import './_mixins' .container +make-container +make-container-max-widths &--fluid max-width: 100% // Row // // Rows contain and clear the floats of your columns. .row +make-row & + .row margin-top: $grid-gutter / 2 &--dense margin-top: $form-grid-gutter / 2 &--dense margin: -$form-grid-gutter / 2 > .col, > [class*="col-"] padding: $form-grid-gutter / 2 // Remove the negative margin from default .row, then the horizontal padding // from all immediate children columns (to prevent runaway style inheritance). &.no-gutters margin: 0 > .col, > [class*="col-"] padding: 0 // Columns // // Common styles for small and large grid columns +make-grid-columns